Referencias Bibliográficas

Sistema Endocanabinoide:

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Rey, A.A. et al. Biphasic Effects of Cannabinoids in Anxiety Responses: CB1 and GABAB Receptors in the Balance of GABAergic and Glutamatergic Neurotransmission. Neuropsychopharmacology, 1-11, 2012

Efeito Entourage:

Koltai H, Namdar D. Cannabis Phytomolecule ‘Entourage’: From Domestication to Medical Use. Trends Plant Sci. 2020;25(10):976-984. doi:10.1016/j. tplants.2020.04.007 


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THC Permitido:

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Broad Spectrum Isolado:

Uziel A, Gelfand A, Amsalem K, et al. Full-Spectrum Cannabis Extract Microdepots Support Controlled Release of Multiple Phytocannabinoids for Extended Therapeutic Effect. ACS Appl Mater Interfaces. 2020;12(21):23707-23716. doi:10.1021/acsami.0c0443 


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Fitofármaco e fitoterápico:

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Sono e cannabis:

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Ansiedade e cannabis:

Balderston, N.L. Mechanistic link between right prefrontal cortical activity and anxious arousal revealed using transcranial magnetic stimulation in healthy subjects. Nature: Neuropsychopharmacology, 2020. 


Grillon, C. et al. Modeling anxiety in healthy humans: a key intermediate bridge between basic and clinical sciences. Nature: Neuropsychopharmacology, 2019. 


Brooks, S.J. A systematic review of the neural bases of psychotherapy for anxiety and related disorders. Dialogues in Clinical Neuroscience .17,. 3 , 2015. 


Babaev, O. Inhibition in the amygdala anxiety circuitry. Experimental & Molecular Medicine. 50:18, 2018. 


Botsford, S.L. et al. Review: Cannabis and Cannabinoids in Mood and Anxiety Disorders: Impact on Illness Onset and Course, and Assessment of Therapeutic Potential. Am J Addict. 29, 1, 9–26, 2021. 


Ferber, S.G. The “Entourage Effect”: Terpenes Coupled with Cannabinoids for the Treatment of Mood Disorders and Anxiety Disorders. Current Neuropharmacology. 18, 87-96, 2020.


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Zuardi AW, Rodrigues NP, Silva AL, et al. Inverted U-Shaped Dose-Response Curve of the Anxiolytic Effect of Cannabidiol during Public Speaking in Real Life. Front Pharmacol. 2017;8:259. Published 2017 May 11. doi:10.3389/fphar.2017.00259 


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Depressão e cannabis:

Perito, M.E.S. & Fortunato, J.J. Biological Markers of Depression: A Review on the Expression of Neurotrophic Factors. Rev Neurocienc 2012


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El-Alfy, A. T. et al. Antidepressant-like effect of ∆9-tetrahydrocannabinol and Other cannabinoids isolated from Cannabis sativa L. Pharmacol Biochem Behav. 


Suryavanshi, S.V. et al. Cannabinoids as Key Regulators of Infl ammasome Signaling: A Current Perspective. Front. Immunol., 28, 2021. 


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Enxaqueca e cannabis:

Donato et al.Sinapse Journal: Where Are We and Where Do We Intend to Go?. Sinapse, vol. 20, 4, 2020.


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Lochte B.C. et al. The Use of Cannabis for Headache Disorders. Cannabis Cannabinoid Res. 2(1): 61–71, 2017. 


Baron EP. Medicinal Properties of Cannabinoids, Terpenes, and Flavonoids in Cannabis, and Benefi ts in Migraine, Headache, and Pain: An Update on Current Evidence and Cannabis Science. Headache. 2018;58(7):1139-1186. doi:10.1111/head.13345